Friday, August 9, 2013

big news

big news!

Baby Gries is the size of a PEACH!
We are so excited to announce that Baby Gries is on the way! I am 13 weeks along - making Baby G the size a Peach!

So far, I have felt great... almost too good. I didn't really have any symptoms throughout the first trimester, so it made me so nervous. I even scheduled a few extra doctor's appointments just for reassurance. Turns out I was just paranoid... Baby G is doing great!

Here is a picture of our sonogram at 8 weeks - when Baby G was the size of a raspberry. It was during week 8 that Baby G officially earned the nickname "raspbaby." Even though the size of the fruit changes every week, I think we will always refer to it as the raspbaby. Plus, it has a much better ring to it than "peach baby."

Our little Raspbaby!

1 comment:

~Kara~ said...

SO excited about your big news! (And to see you finally updated your blog again!) ;) Love ya!